"과학철학 읽기 모임"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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== 54회부터 : Buckner's From Deep Learning to Rational Machines ==
== 54회부터 : Buckner's From Deep Learning to Rational Machines ==
* Cameron J. Buckner, ''[https://global.oup.com/academic/product/from-deep-learning-to-rational-machines-9780197653302?cc=kr&lang=en& From Deep Learning to Rational Machines: What the History of Philosophy Can Teach Us about the Future of Artificial Intelligence]'' (Oxford University Press, 2024).
Cameron J. Buckner, ''[https://global.oup.com/academic/product/from-deep-learning-to-rational-machines-9780197653302?cc=kr&lang=en& From Deep Learning to Rational Machines: What the History of Philosophy Can Teach Us about the Future of Artificial Intelligence]'' (Oxford University Press, 2024).
* 57회 (2024.05.30) 4장(이정민)
* 56회 (2024.05.02) 3장(전진권)
* 55회 (2024.03.28) 2장(허원기)
* 54회 (2024.02.24) 1장(천현득)

== 49-53회 : Khalifa's Scientific Understanding ==
== 49-53회 : Khalifa's Scientific Understanding ==