모든 문서
- "HANSON" in the Structure of Scientific Theories (번역)
- "새로운" 시험 명제에 의한 입증
- 17세기 과학혁명의 지적, 사회적 의미
- 18세기 라부아지에와 화학연구의 새로운 방법
- 18세기와 19세기의 전기와 자기
- 19세기 과학의 전문화
- 19세기 과학자가 되는 길
- 19세기 과학자가 되는 길 : 패러데이와 맥스웰의 삶
- 19세기 다윈주의 진화론의 등장과 그 사회적 함의
- 19세기 물리학의 탄생
- 19세기 이후 이론물리학과 실험물리학과의 관계
- 19세기 프랑스 공학
- 2007-02-08 Metropolitan Museum
- 2007-02-10 MoMA in New York
- 2007-03-03
- 2007-03-03 셈 결혼
- 2007-03-12
- 2007-03-12 zolaist.org 개장!
- 2007-03-13
- 2007-03-13 위키로 자료 정리?
- 2007-03-15
- 2007-03-15 할 일들..
- 2007-03-24
- 2007-03-26
- 2007-03-26 위키 사용중?
- 2007-04-17
- 2007-04-17 강의 걱정...
- 2007-04-21
- 2007-04-22
- 2007-04-24
- 2007-04-24 성욱이와 배터지게..
- 2007-04-25
- 2007-04-25 삼영식당 샤브샤브 먹을만 함 - -
- 2007-05-02
- 2007-05-02 바미의 가출
- 2007-09-07 Liu Bing 교수의 콜로키움
- 2007-09-08 담장 위의 미야
- 2007-09-09 미야의 바깥 생활
- 2007-09-17
- 2007-09-17 이번 학기 읽을 책 목록
- 2007-09-23 침대 밑 미야
- 2007-09-25
- 2007-09-28
- 2007-09-28 하드락 요거트
- 2007-09-8 담장 위의 미야
- 2007-10-01
- 2007-10-01 이사 성공
- 2007-10-06
- 2007-10-06 오랜만의 한잔
- 2007-10-12
- 2007-10-12 미야미야
- 2007-10-15
- 2007-10-17
- 2007-10-23
- 2007-10-25
- 2007-10-25 몸상태 위독 - -
- 2007-10-26
- 2007-10-26 미야미야
- 2007-10-27
- 2007-10-27 미야의 캣타워
- 2007-11-05 노다메 18권!
- 2007-11-06 미야의 가출
- 2007-11-07 미야의 방황과 하얀거탑
- 2007-11-08 미야의 방황과 하얀거탑
- 2007-11-08 책만 보면
- 2007-11-12 어둠 속 미야
- 2007-11-20 공부 말고 연구
- 2008-01-18 올해 계획
- 2008년 박사과정 과학철학 논문자격시험
- 2009월 12월
- 2016년 봄학기 과학철학통론1 기말고사
- 20세기 유전학: 멘델에서 인간게놈프로젝트까지
- 21st Century and Computer
- 21st Century and Computer : 2012-2
- 21th Century and Computer
- 21세기와 컴퓨터 : 2011년 2학기
- 21세기와 컴퓨터 : 2012년 2학기
- A. Rupert Hall
- A Companion to the Phlosophy of Technology
- A Puzzle about Belief
- A Reappraisal of the Role of the Universities in the Scientific Revolution
- A Relativistic Account of Einstein's Relativity
- Aim-less Epistemology?
- Alfed Tarski
- Alfred Tarski
- Alrfed Tarski
- An Ad Hoc Save of a Theory of Adhocness? Exchanges with John Worrall
- Annals of Science
- Anomaly and the Emergence of Scientific Discoveries
- Applied History of Science
- Argument, Laws, and Explanation
- Arguments Concerning Scientific Realism
- Arguments Concerning Scientific Realism (번역)
- Arguments concerning Scientific Realism
- Arguments concerning Scientific Realism (번역)
- Article: Aim-less Epistemology?
- Article: Applied History of Science
- Article: De-centering the "Big Picture"
- Article: Explanation, Predictions, and Laws
- Article: Hellenophilia versus the History of Science
- Article: Is There a Logic of Scientific Discovery?
- Article: Jesuit Mathematical Science and the Reconstruction of Experience in the Early Seventeenth Century
- Article: Lavoisier and the Fulfillment of the Stahlian Revolution
- Article: Laws and Their Role in Sciencetific Explanation
- Article: Mechanisms and Functional Hypotheses in Social Science
- Article: Methods and Problems in the History of Ancient Science
- Article: Normative Naturalism
- Article: Of Gods and Kings
- Article: Science and Patronage
- Article: Studies in the Logic of Explanation
- Article: Technology and Alchemical Debate in the Late Middle Ages
- Article: The Concept of "Fact": Legal Origins and Cultural Diffusion
- Article: The Logic of Discovery
- Article: The Truth Doesn't Explain Much
- Article: Trouble in the Earthly Paradise
- Article: Was the Ionian Philosophy Scientific?
- Article: When Did Modern Science Begin?
- Article: 개념체계와 추론에 대한 인지적 접근
- Article: 공공의 관료, 이론적 공학자의 이상과 현실
- Article: 과학사와 과학기술학(STS), 그 접점들에 대한 분석
- Article: 급진파들의 다윈 수용
- Article: 반실재적 가정은 정당화되는가?
- Article: 방법론 비교: 하이에크와 기든스
- Article: 법칙의 가치: 설명과 예측
- Article: 사회주의자들의 다윈 읽기
- Article: 이론 간의 관계에 대한 고찰
- Article: 이론 내 용어는 어떻게 경험적 의미를 획득하는가?
- Article: 인식, 우주, 생명, 그리고 인간의 의식
- Article: 인식론적 한계와 환원
- Article: 지식에 대한 짧은 고찰
- Article: 토머스 쿤의 역사학, 철학, 그리고 과학
- Atomic Bomb Scientist: Memoirs, 1939-1945
- Ayer, A. J.
- Bas C. van Fraassen
- Bayesianism and Diverse Evidence
- Bertrand Russell
- Biology and Philosophy
- Bodily Passions, Good Manners, and Cartesian Mechanism
- Boodbye Central: Automation and the Decline of Personal Service in the Bell System, 1878-1921
- Book's Chapter: Laws and Their Role in Sciencetific Explanation
- Book: Galileo, Courtier
- Book: Physical Science in the Middle Ages
- Book: The Beginnings of Western Science
- Book: The Construction of Modern Science
- Book: The Foundations of Modern Science in the Middle Ages
- Book: The Scientific Revolution
- Book: The Way and the Word
- Book: 과학과 기술로 본 세계사 강의
- Braithwaite
- Building Waterways, 1802-1861: Science and the United States Army in Early Public Works
- Bulletin of the History of Medicine
- By design: James Clerk Maxwell and the evangelical unification of science
- Can Scientific Constraints Be Violated Rationally?
- Canadian Journal of Philosophy
- Carl G. Hempel
- Carnap
- Cartesian Imagination and Perspectival Art
- Cartwright
- Cartwright, N.
- Causation as Explanation
- Centaurus
- Classics in Science
- Closing the Circle: How Harvey and His Contemporaries Played the Game of Truth
- Cognitive Science
- Cognitive Science (번역)
- Commentary: Science at the Bar - Cause for Concern
- Comments and Criticism: Measuring Confirmation and Evidence
- Concepts of Science
- Configurations
- Copenhagen
- Creation-Science Is Not Science
- Creativity, Conservativeness & the Social Epistemology of Science
- Crisis and the Emergence of Scientific Theories
- Criteria of Confirmation and Acceptability
- Critical Inquiry
- David-Hillel Ruben
- David C. Lindberg
- David Resnik
- De-centering the "Big Picture"
- De Revolutionibus
- De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
- Deborah G. Mayo
- Descartes
- Descartes’s Geometry as Spiritual Exercise
- Diary
- Dissecting the Holistic Picture of Scientific Change
- Distancing science from religion in 17th-century England
- Do Artifacts Have Politics?
- Do the Laws of Physics State Facts?
- Do the Laws of Physics State the Facts?
- Do the Laws of Physics State the Facts? (번역)
- Donald Davidson
- DongWook JUNG
- Dretske, F. I.
- Duhem-Quine Thesis
- Durbin, Paul T.
- Early Greek Science
- East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
- Economic and Sociological Explanations of Technological Change
- Einstein's Clocks: Place of Time
- Einstein's Clocks: The Place of Time
- Einstein's Clocks: The Place of Time (번역)
- Einstein’s Clocks: The Place of Time
- Electro-tonic state
- Electrodynamics from Ampere to Einstein
- Electrotonic state
- Empiricist Criteria of Cognitive Significance: Problems and Changes
- Empirist Criteria of Cognitive Significance: Problems and Changes
- Episode 2016-1
- Episode 2016-2
- Episode 2017-1
- Episode 2017-2
- Episode 2018-2
- Episode 2019-1
- Ernest Nagel
- Error, Tests, and Theory Confirmation
- Error and the Growth of Experimental Knowledge
- Explanation, Predictions, and Laws
- Explanation v. Prediction: Which Carries More Weight?
- Explanatory Coherence and the Impossibility of Confirmation by Coherence
- Faraday, Wheatstone and Electrical Engineering
- Faraday and Ampère: A Critical Dialogue
- Faraday to Einstein: Constructing Meaning in Scientific Theories
- Fish and Ships: Models in the Age of Reason
- Fitness and Natural Selection
- Fitting Facts to Equations
- For Phenomenological Laws
- Foundations of Science: The Philosophy of Theory and Experiment
- Fred I. Dretske
- Frederick Suppe
- Friedman
- From Deep Learning to Rational Machines/Imagination
- From Engineering to Humanities Philosophy of Technology
- From Innovation to Use: ten eclectic theses on the history of technology
- From Innovation to Use (토론)
- From Know-How to Nowhere: The Development of American Technology
- From Watt to Clausius: The Rise of Thermodynamics in the Early Industrial Age
- Function and Concept
- Galileo's Religion Versus the Church's Science? Rethinking the History of Science and Religion
- Galileo, Courtier
- Galileo, Courtier: The Practice of Science in the Culture of Absolutism
- Galileo, Viviani, and the Tower of Pisa
- Galileo, the Church, and the Cosmos
- Galileo and the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century
- Gender and Biological Sciences
- Gender and the Biological Sciences
- Goldman, Steven L.
- Goodbye Central: Automation and the Decline of Personal Service in the Bell System, 1878-1921
- Gottlob Frege
- H. P. Grice
- HST 2011-1
- Harmony and Simplicity: Aesthetic Virtues and the Rise of Testability
- Harpers Ferry Armory and the New Technology
- Harvey, Aristotle and the Weather Cycle
- Hellenophilia versus the History of Science
- Hempel
- Hilary Putnam
- Historical Examples of Positive Feedback
- Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
- History of Science
- History of Science: SSU 2007-1
- History of Science and Technology 2011-1
- Home
- Horizon SciTech
- How Models Are Used To Represent Reality
- How The Laws of Physics Lie
- How the Laws of Physics Lie
- How the Laws of Physics Lie 목차
- Hs ssu 2007-1
- Ihde, Don
- Imre Lakatos
- Inductive-Statistical Explanation
- International Studies in the Philosophy of Science
- Introduction: A Role for History
- Introduction to Models as Mediators
- Inventing American Broadcasting, 1899-1922
- Inventing Temperature
- Is Evidence Hisorical?
- Is Evidence Historical?
- Is There a Logic of Scientific Discovery?
- Isaac Newton
- Isis
- J. L. Austin
- Jcps
- Jesuit Mathematical Science and the Reconsitution of Experience in the Early Seventeenth Century
- Jesuit Mathematical Science and the Reconstitution of Experience in the Early Seventeenth Century
- Jesuit Mathematical Science and the Reconstruction of Experience in the Early Seventeenth Century
- Joel H. Hildebrand
- Journal
- Journal for General Philosophy of Science
- Journal of the History of Ideas
- Karl Popper
- Keeping the Fixed Points Fixed
- Keith Donnellan
- Kitcher
- Kuhn
- Kuhn vs. Popper
- Laboratory Design and the Aim of Science: Andreas Libavius versus Tycho Brahe
- Lakatosian Heuristics and Epistemic Support
- Larry Laudan
- Lavoisier and the Fulfillment of the Stahlian Revolution
- Law of Nature
- Laws and Their Role in Sciencetific Explanation
- Laws and Their Role in Scientific Explanation
- Laws of Nature
- Laws of Nature and Causality
- Leibnitz and Newton
- Lewin, Douglas
- Links (private)
- Logic 2020-1
- Logic and Conversation
- Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research?
- Logical versus Historical Theories of Confirmation
- Los Alamos Laboratory 50th Anniversary atricles
- Los Alamos from Below
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
- MS Word 단축키
- MacKenzie, Donald
- Margaret Morrison
- Martin Curd
- Marx and th Machine
- Marx and the Machine
- Mary S. Morgan
- Mass Production
- Mass Production (번역)
- Mathematical versus Experimental Tradition in the Development of Physical Science
- Meaning and Reference
- Mechanisms and Functional Hypotheses in Social Science
- Metaphysics and Measurement: Essays in the Scientific Revolution
- Methods and Problems in the History of Ancient Science
- Michael Faraday
- Michael Faraday and the Electrical Century
- Michael Friedman
- Michael Ruse
- Michael Scriven
- Misunderstanding the Merton Thesis: A Boundary Dispute between History and Sociology
- Mitcham, Carl
- Model
- Model (번역)
- Models and Analogy in Science
- Models and Archetypes
- Models and Representation
- Models and Theories
- My Curriculum Vitae